267 Page, TACOMIC™ BOOK VOL. 001 100 Tacomics: The Secular and Apolitical Cartoon Life of Tacoma & Her Moral People(s) OR A Patriot's History of The City of Destiny from 2007 - 2009
The life and satirical opinions of an underground cartoonist in the City of Destiny. Including, but not limited to:
- Foreword and writings by John Hathaway of The New Takhoman
- Every (best and worst) Tacomic drawn by RR Anderson from 2007 to 2009
- South Sound editorial cartooning reflections by retired oped page TNT editor David Seago
- "Mightier than Swords" news story from the Tacoma Daily Index featuring every Tacoma Political Cartoonist
- A brief history of Frost Park Chalk Challenge + Chalk Jargon definitions
- BONUS chalk-art photography appendix
- BONUS High-school Proto-Tacomics
- BONUS Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians (CLAW) secret society rituals, zine symbolism and writings never before seen!
- BONUS A Complete "LEARN 2 DRAW in 3D" 24 Hour Comic Day comic book from the year 2009
Corporate Online Mega Stores:
- Tacomic Book vol. 001 on Amazon.com | Amazon Store
- Barnes & Noble
Tacoma's Only Hyper-local Political Cartoon Exactly 10 Minutes Away From the City of Destiny
Advance Praise for TACOMIC BOOK VOL. 001
- Tacoma's Man of Mischief: Inside the curious world of R. R. Anderson (pdf download) | Tacoma Daily Index
"If you know Anderson, 31, you know he is part performance artist, part political cartoonist, and part provocateur. The iconoclast is the master of a strange, funny, and often perverted world where he says and does things that many Tacomans only wish they had the nerve to do themselves. That said, was it really that far-fetched for Anderson to climb up inside the Luzon Building on the eve of its demolition and camp out?" - Todd Matthews
- Local Hero RR Anderson Saves Humanity @ 100 Tacomics Book Release | The Melon
"Just 80 pages in, 100 Tacomics is a blast to read. Filled with more Tacoma history, than most Tacomans could possibly be aware of, this collection should be taught in classes in Tacoma and perhaps around the world. There are perhaps few comparable presentations of such brilliant renderings catologed with careful historical detail. Some pages will make you laugh out loud (or LOL for the kids); some will make you grin from ear to ear; some will make you angry at injustice; some may stimulate arousal, and some may even make those with weaker stomachs share their passion with a toilet." - Electric Elliot
- 100 Tacomics Book Signing | Living and Working in a Virtual World
"Though in book form, it cannot repeat the appeal of working your way down the comments section that accompanies each new Tacomic as it is posted, it provides a equally valuable experience by including commentary from the man himself. He describes much of the inspiration of what went behind each comic, and when no inspiration existed, he admits to it. Additionally, information on the Frost Park Chalk Off, the secret society of Tacoma, The CLAW, and other bits and pieces of Tacoma are generously included. That makes this a must have history book as well." - Professor Fry
- 100 Tacomics and No Electricity | Weekly Volcano
"After the engagement that forced my early visit, I devoured the masterpiece, laughing and sobbing - sometimes simultaneously. Emotionally drained, but inspired, I pounded out 2,000 words on how Anderson's book took me to one of those places where time stands still without growing monotonous." - Ron Swarner
- R.R. Anderson's Loveable Lampoon of the Gritty City | City Arts Tacoma + Seattle P.I.
"Whatever. Tacomics features a collection of political cartoons created by Anderson from 2007 to 2009. And if you reside in, or are familiar with, the City of Destiny (or surrounding areas), you will laugh your arse off. Even the most profane and twisted entries will illicit chuckles, because like every good joke, they hold a truth that you can relate to. It's thought provoking, entertaining and displays an impressive creative talent." - Jackie Fender
- Intern Adventures: Tacoma Studio Tour | Weekly Volcano
"Walking into Anderson's studio is like walking into a person's mind ... an insane person's mind." - Intern Julie Holt
- Tacomic Book Release Party - Monday | Exit133.com
"In the small, friendly circle of Tacoma media gadflies, there are few figures as near and dear to the hearts of our writers as Mr. RR Anderson. Sure, he often wears odd clothes – but we overlook this shortcoming because of his marvelously flattering portraits of local public figures. His work is known for its subtlety and conceptual nuance, dappled with genteel wit and..." - Daniel Rahe
"Tacoma resident R.R. Anderson officially released a book of his political cartoons and observations during an event at King’s Books on Nov. 15. Titled 100 Tacomics: The Secular and Apolitical Cartoon Life of Tacoma and Her Moral People(s), the book was funded with a grant from Tacoma Arts Commission. Anderson signed copies, then briefly spoke about his work. He expressed pity for people wrapped up in mindless television shows, noting political cartoonists offer more interesting fodder for conversation. 'We tell the stories of your story, which are 300 times more interesting than a traditional sitcom.' Funding from the city elevates him to a new level, he noted. 'I have begun to mooch off government grants like a real artist.' The book is for sale at King’s Books."
- Famous Local Political Cartoonist RR Anderson's Book at Amocat NOW! | Amocat Cafe
"Someone once said, 'To know the mind of RR Anderson is to know the history of the universe of Tacoma.' This statement could not be more right. Part political pundit, part story teller, part historian, and part huckster, RR Anderson's online persona seems over-the-top at times. Sensationalism aside, RR Anderson has completed what could come to be regarded as one of the most significant literary work's of the year in his latest book, 100 Tacomics, Volume 001." - Morgan Alexander, Owner
- The Alien's Perspective: R.R. Anderson's 100 Tacomics Release Party (FULL COVERAGE) | AdamTheAlien.com
"At the top of this post, if you haven’t watched it already, you’ll find my fully edited video of the event. In the interest of complete coverage, there are links below to unedited interviews (with text commentary on the interviewees) and the full 24-minute ceremony, featuring an introduction by The Tacoma Urbanist and a speech and selected readings by Mr. Anderson himself." - Adam the Alien
- Tacomic Book Launch Party at Kings Books
"Monday, November 15, 2010 - 7:00pm. Join us for the release of RR Anderson's new collection 100 Tacomics: The Secular & Apolitical Cartoon Life of Tacoma and her Moral People(s). Collecting Anderson's work from the last four years [2007 - 2009], his political cartoons skewer local issues, politicians, celebrities, and other tomfoolery. Funded by the Tacoma Arts Commission. Part of Art at Work: Tacoma Arts Month!" - Sweet Pea
- Tacomic Book Endorsed in News Tribune Gift Guide 2010 | The [Tacoma] News Tribune
There's local and then there's Hyper-local. That's what Tacoma artist and provocateur R.R. Anderson calls Tacomic, his 267-page hardcover book ($26.96) of political cartoons. Billed as "the life and satirical opinions of an underground cartoonist in the city of destiny," the cartoons take on everything from political figures to (gulp) local journalists. An e-book version is $6.66. You can pick up a copy at King's Books, Amocat Café, Pacific Northwest Shop and other locations.
- Behind the Pencil - Book reveals the mind behind the pencil of cartoonist. | Tacoma Weekly
"Those familiar with his cartoons already realize Anderson’s artistic talents. This book does much to reveal the keen mind behind the pen. This is a young man who clearly has his finger on the pulse of the city. A husband and father of a young child, it becomes apparent Anderson wants to improve the place where he has established his family. While his wit can be caustic at times, ultimately he has issued a call to arms for Tacomans to take pride in their city and do something to improve it." - John Larson
Notes to Editors
The Tacomic is published online every Tuesday morning on FeedTacoma.com. Contact me | Facebook if you'd like to syndicate The Tacomic in your newspaper. Reasonable rates! Will consider interesting trades. (253) 778-6786

Who is RR Anderson?
CARTOONIST+INVENTOR - Author of "The Tacomic" RR Anderson is one of the most curious alternative political cartoonists in FeedTacoma [dot] com history. He fought bizarre underground beings in the lava tubes of Juneau, Alaska; was wounded by a laser before it was invented; and was a founding father of the Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians (C.L.A.W.). Questions? Seek him drawing on the sidewalk at Friday's Frost Park Chalk Challenge in the center of downtown Tacoma. Ultimately his work is about friendship, need and other timeless values.
To request interview or leave voice mail feedback about the book call: (253) 778-6786.