Holistic Forge Works

About the Company, History

Dr. Neekburn Our Beloved Founder Lunatic or Visionary (1889 - 1842)?

Dr. Fronzel Ambrose Neekburn IN 1887 DOCTOR FRONZEL AMBROSE NEEKBURN & LORENZO FLABBERSHAM, two veteran prospectors arrived in Southeast Alaska (later to be known as The City and Burrough of Juneau) to investigate native accounts of mysterious animals with golden wings atop the settlement's ill-famed Thunder Mountain. The pair traded their rations with the local Indians for large quantities of Hoochinoo (home brew) and never got far from the beach. But when Neekburn climbed a tree to avoid an angry creditor, his eye caught a movement in the clear summer sky-something he would later claim to be flying turtles. Neekburn split partnership with Flabbersham and founded Holistic Forge & Mercantile Turtle Works in early 1888. In half legible letters written to Flabbersham, Neekburn claimed to have made contact with a mysterious race of super-intelligent flying turtles who seem to be invisible to everybody but myself. He continues: I am secretly learning from them their method of manipulating the very fabric of our reality

Struggles & Triumphs: An Impossible Dream

As Dr. Neekburn became less coherent, his goal of a dominant world presence was surpassed only by his desire for assaulting political opposition with expended salmon carcasses; leading to his untimely death by way of defenestration1. Forward thinking relatives, and with support of Flabbersham's sister company Pompeii Forge, it was decided to continue on with Neekburn's mighty corporation as: Holistic Forge Works.

Dr. Neekburn lived in a time of wood, brass and steam; yet, could he have anticipated the futurist wonderment his company would eventually be responsible for? Today Holistic Forge Works is still strong, offering its diverse services to the happy men & women of practical, modern thinking2.

A Modern Company Metro Harvester Van

Crapo Memorial Historical Document Library
Significance Document Name File Type
Paramount Original Flying Turtle Notes Jpeg
Paramount Baby Neekburn Lives HTML
Average The Foster Child HTML
Average Teenage Years HTML
Average Rival Sea Kings HTML
Moderate A Pyrrhic Victory HTML
Moderate Making Ink From Mushrooms — Part I PNG
Moderate Making Ink From Mushrooms — Part II PNG
Moderate Original Play from 1884 (Inner Beauty) Jpeg
Moderate Original Play from 1883 (Love + Tragedy) Jpeg

1de·fen·es·tra·tion n. An act of throwing someone or something out of a window.
2Modern Thinking™ is the reference to Holistic Forge Work's core problem solving methodology.

Notes To Editors: curriculum vitae

  1. Holistic Forge Works was founded in 1888 by Dr. Fronzel Ambrose Neekburn. For 117 years, HFW has stood for purity and great taste. It remained headquartered in Juneau, Alaska until 1997. Today, its Chairman, President and CEO is a shadowy figure known as The Webmaster.
  2. The last Neekburn family member to be involved in management with the company was Blitzen Fischer Neekburn Jr., who served as the company's chairman until his untimely death at a lighter-than-air steam shovel demonstration in 1931. Since that time, no Neekburn family member has been employed by the company and none has served on its board of directors.
  3. The late Senator W. Hellespont Neekburn III (Alaska - Socialist) did work briefly in the 1960s in the company's phantom works department before embarking upon his career in politics. He was tragically killed in a lighter-than-air steam shovel demonstration reenactment, accident in 1981.
  4. As befits a global corporation with thousands of employees in the United States and around the world, HFW is non-partisan and politically independent. Holistic Forge Works makes quality products and is not politically, religiously, ethnically affiliated.

Who is RR Anderson?

Holistic Forge Works is a huge corporation; thus we have a whole department of employees working on our website. Pay no attention to The Man Behind the Curtain

HFW Character Matrix
Name Angle Franchise Alignment
Dr. Fronzel Neekburn Founding Father HFW origin story true neutral
Dr. Lorenzo Flabbersham Founding Father & founder of rival Pompeii Forge HFW origin story neutral good
Joe Galaxy Space Guy Adventures of Joe Galaxy True Good
Sparky McNut Robot Sidekick Adventures of Joe Galaxy True Good
Quothos Brain in Jar Adventures of Joe Galaxy Evil
Captain Cosmos Space Guy Holistic Crusades of Captain Cosmos neutral good
FLOYD Robot Custodian Holistic Crusades of Captain Cosmos neutral
Trillian Verily Space Woman Holistic Crusades of Captain Cosmos Good
Doctor Malign Mad Scientist Holistic Crusades of Captain Cosmos Evil
The Prospector Time Lord Holistic Crusades of Captain Cosmos chaotic good
Lord Froghammer Barbarian with a mallard duck head, 4 arms ?? neutral good
Rex Rerun Private Detective Rex Rerun Lives! neutral good
Gwen Mystery Girl Rex Rerun Lives! chaotic neutral
Captain Poopdeck Sea Captain Rex Rerun Lives! chaotic neutral
Squidman Mutant Squid Rex Rerun Lives! chaotic neutral
Anna (aka LYNX) Russian Spy Rex Rerun Lives! evil
Dr. Purgwell Mutant Walrus Rex Rerun Lives! true neutral
The Flaming Tambourine Real Life Super Hero Rex Rerun Lives! true good
Jascadet Time Traveller Rex Rerun Lives! true good
Infundibular Man Real Life Super Villain Rex Rerun Lives! evil
Wha Guru Chew Mutant/Cyborg? Rex Rerun Lives! chaotic evil
Rex Veto Rex's Evil Twin Rex Rerun Lives! true evil
Immoral Pumpkin Real Life Super Villain Rex Rerun Lives! evil
The Bad Archers Husband + Wife Villains Rex Rerun Lives! evil
Captain Space Dog Mutant Space Captain Space Dog True Good
Number 13 Cyborg Cat Crew Space Dog True Good
Number 14 Cyborg Cat Crew Space Dog True Good
Murdock Dinosaur Bounty Hunter Space Dog chaotic evil
Admiral Space Dog Fleet Commander Space Dog neutral good
Darryl the G.H.E.Y. Owl Anti-Gun Violence/Gun Safety Mascott Tacomic true good
Whorebot Garfield Cyborg Tacomic chaotic neutral
O.J. Talking Raven Tacomic neutral good
Joel Talking Raven Tacomic neutral good
Commander RR Kid's Drawing Show TV Host + Space Captain Learn 2 Draw chaotic good
Muffy 1st Mate, Puppet Dog Head Celestial Being Learn 2 Draw true good
Stowebot 9000 Robot Learn 2 Draw chaotic good
Lord Xenu Alien Ghost God who Haunts Space Learn 2 Draw true evil
Dwight D. Potbelly aka "IKE" Magic Potbelly Stove (Fire Demon) Our Friend The Stove neutral evil
Hieronymus D. Turtle aka "Herbie or Herb" Magic Flying Turtle (Earth Mother Spirt) Our Friend The Stove true good
Illuminati the All-Seer aka "Lum" Mystical OMNIPOTENT Pyramid Our Friend The Stove true neutral
Work Dog Skilled Laborer + Labrador Our Friend The Stove neutral good
Hamburger H8tr Despotic Cheeseburger Dictator Our Friend The Stove true evil
Professor Chaste Anti-Masturbation Hotdog Wizard Monk Our Friend The Stove true good
The Hairy Mermaid comic-strip within a comic-strip Our Friend The Stove true good